American backing for the war in Ukraine has been hesitant at best. There seems to be several factors you would think would extinguish political support for it:
- The war in Ukraine is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. The footage is of near-peer adversaries unleashing modern weapons on each other, and you can watch the entire thing on social media, in as much gore as you can stomach.
- The casualty rate is astronomical, especially compared to those the United States and her allies sustained during the 20-year Global War on Terror.
- This administration’s constant lies about the success of Ukrainian operations have further showcased their dismal credibility.
So why does NATO want to fund it for five more years?
Mainstream western media would tell you this war is righteous because it aims to prevent a power addicted, warmonger like Vladimir Putin from invading all of Europe and decimating anything that stands in his way.
The truth is, Vladimir Putin tried to join NATO when he first took power in 1999. Russia was a country rebuilding itself, and he thought he could ally himself with the West to solidify his position as a legitimate world leader. He needed to protect his country’s fragile future by securing alliances with former adversaries and minimize partisan fallout if Russia was unable to reconstruct itself fast enough. Obviously, Russia was not allowed in.
So, what does Russia not being accepted as a NATO member have to do with the current situation?
Russia is the obligatory boogey man for the West. The deep state, in cahoots with the military industrial complex, western intelligence agencies, and their mainstream media propogandists have decided on a new business model that requires an indefinite adversarial power. In the same way Netflix needs a successful subscription plan for their business to work, corporate overlords and their puppets in Washington need a model that can keep the money coming in ad infinitum. Power can then be adequately brokered to the correct members of government who oblige the war industry, and everyone wins.
They have adapted their framework to support forever wars that no longer require American boots on the ground, and in their estimation, there are two main benefits:
- Young western men dying in war-torn hellholes is politically unsavory.
- Building for and managing a national defense strategy based on strategic deterrence is not as profitable as supplying an ongoing, seemingly endless conflict.
The bloodshed strategy for the enrichment of the managerial class is not new. There are many instances of despotic regimes using this playbook throughout history. As far back as medieval ages, feudal lords would deploy their war parties (including their children) to expand their territories, increase their wealth, and secure powerful political alliances. Even as recent as World War I, the ruling class of Europe used conflicts of unprecedented magnitude to divert attention away from domestic issues while prolonging the war to protect economic interests. In fact, one could argue that war in the 21st century has become a game of deception. Consider the American political landscape right now. Uncontrolled illegal ‘immigration’, seemingly infinite counts of lawfare against the opposition party’s candidate, shockingly bad poll numbers for the Biden Administration, too much attention on the Israel/Palestine issue, just to name a few.
Illegal immigration since President Trump left office
— 🇺🇸🇺🇸Josh Dunlap🇺🇲🇺🇲 ULTRA-MAGA (@JDunlap1974) April 3, 2024
The war in Ukraine is just another iteration of a time old tactic with which the globalists can improve upon, while hoping we all are too busy consuming our bread and circus to care.
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Stoltenberg- Johannes Jansson/, CC BY 2.5 DK <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Tank- Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Putin/Clinton-, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Really interesting perspective and great information on this topic- a good highlight/exposure of the motives of some of our lawmakers.