Senator Mitch McConnell has been a servant of the globalist enterprise for many years and it’s becoming more apparent that in aggregate, he has been working to undermine the interests of the American people. He is a compromised swamp creature whose true allegiance lies only with the agenda of the guarantor of his political career, the deep state.
It’s high time for Mitch to go. He absolutely botched the recent border deal and then tried to pin the blame on fellow RINO shitbag James Lankford. We all know that this bill would be dead on arrival in the house because it did absolutely nothing for border security and did everything to promote the international money laundering scheme taking place in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

It’s so obvious that McConnell is out of touch with what the American people want. He has been going to way too many of these DC cocktail parties and K St. fundraising events to understand what a family of five living on $80,000 a year before taxes really cares about. They have no interest in fighting a war to protect Ukrainian sovereignty. They could care less about Israel’s right to defend itself from neighboring countries. China invading Taiwan isn’t even on their radar. The things they care about are right at home. They want a southern border that is locked down. They’re tired of seeing illegal immigrants assaulting cops and other innocent civilians with complete impunity. They want to make sure their kids go to schools they don’t get shot up by over-Prozac’d porn-addicted losers whose dumbass parents give them access to guns and ammo.
It’s easy to scream “this isn’t rocket science”, but it’s guys like Mitch McConnell who are playing 4D chess with their political affiliations. Every decision they make is a tight wire balancing act that must be carefully considered. Their power is sponsored and protected by huge corporations and every sentence they utter on the floor of their respective chamber in Washington must not result in a loss of profit for these globalist corporate greed devils. Mitch McConnell and those like him take their orders from the shadowy deep state and have for decades. They do not consider the American citizenry when they write bills or advocate for laws or debate policy. They only care about their globalist power broking masters and the managerial donor class that grants them authority.
From Open Secrets, here are McConnell’s biggest donors since 1984:
Kent Companies $694,332 $694,332 $0
Blackstone Group $453,498 $406,498 $47,000
Kindred Healthcare $287,497 $244,997 $42,500
Humana Inc $285,253 $236,378 $48,875
NorPAC $278,975 $263,975 $15,000
United Parcel Service $235,619 $170,840 $64,779
Brown-Forman Corp $232,070 $163,570 $68,500
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $230,944 $141,444 $89,500
Goldman Sachs $215,704 $185,704 $30,000
JPMorgan Chase & Co $207,502 $169,502 $38,000
Altria Group $200,535 $150,535 $50,000
AT&T Inc $195,115 $123,865 $71,250
Citigroup Inc $190,734 $145,234 $45,500
Elliott Management $183,440 $183,440 $0
Capital Group Companies $182,943 $167,943 $15,000
Peabody Energy $176,172 $136,572 $39,600
FedEx Corp $175,389 $120,389 $55,000
General Electric $171,572 $121,522 $50,050
Apollo Global Management $169,495 $155,995 $13,500
Fidelity Investments $167,600 $137,600 $30,000
Mitch needs to retire to Kentucky and enjoy his family. He clearly has some serious health issues that he needs to figure out so that he can enjoy his golden years. After the border deal disaster, Ted Cruz said that it’s time for Mitch to go, And he’s right.
Ted Cruz would be excellent as Leader.
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