The entirely suspicious 5-4 ruling by the US Supreme Court that allows the federal government to dismantle the Texas border security is a clear indication of the malevolent intentions of the globalist, anti-American left. It is becoming increasingly evident that certain justices on the Supreme Court are either compromised or are making consequential decisions out of fear.
Seemingly, President Trump was ill advised in several SCOTUS appointments because he didn’t understand how deep the swamp truly is.
The court’s decision to side with the federal government, claiming that the state of Texas was preventing federal agents from carrying out their duties, is nothing short of farcical.
Our border patrol agents should not be conducting humanitarian aid. Their primary responsibility is to protect America and her citizens by securing our borders. The left’s insistence on prioritizing humanitarian aid over national security is a grave error.
Or is it an error at all?
It is a planned attempt to replace patriotic American citizens with foreign invaders who will do the bidding of our compromised political elites and their global Armageddonist puppet masters.
The truth is, the federal government’s “duties” at the southern border have been nothing more than the enablement of illegal immigration. The agents stationed there are mere pawns in the Democrat’s ploy to mislead American voters into believing that the current administration is working to secure our border. In reality, they are facilitating the rapid and anonymous intake and release of a criminal invasion force.
Why would the left do this?
The answer lies in their desire to completely restructure the interior of America, create civil unrest, and establish a dystopian, martial police state. The influx of millions of unskilled, unintelligent, military-aged men into a country with a serious military recruitment problem is no coincidence. They seek to create a military (or something like it) void of patriotism, duty, or honor, and use this new militant force to turn on the American people.
This is the calculus of the left. They no longer foresee a need to convince Americans to vote for them or to run on policy ideas. Instead, they will create a new voting bloc that will support their agenda without question by promising instant citizenship and all the perks that come with it.
Unless there is drastic change, there will be civil war, and the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of Joseph Robinette Biden’s administration. Their psychotic policies and globalist agenda are a threat to America’s very existence, and it is time for the American people to stand up, vote for Trump and save the country while we still have one.
God Bless Governor Greg Abbott and his attempts at saving the great state of Texas. Thank you to the other 25 states that support him in his efforts.