It seems to be Biden’s Modus Operandi; nine words. Ukraine is in a war? 9 words. Snickers bars are too small? 9 words. But it’s just words. And 9 words haven’t built anything back better. Remember that? “Build Back Better”, Biden’s campaign slogan? When Trump was the OG Triple OG in chief it was MAGA everything, all the time. That slogan had schnuts. IT STILL DOES. Biden ran with “Build Back Better”, and since he first shat himself in office, have we heard anything about “Build Back Better”? Did he forget…oh, of course, he forgot his slogan. So, he and his inept team of managerial cronies do what they do, manage crises with government Band-Aids and fix nothing, “Build Back Better” nothing (honestly, I always thought “Build Back Better” was the “Live Laugh Love” of slogans). And that’s what they do, they manage. The managerial class manages, and only what a crisis looks like. They manage things in a media-friendly way and spin things so they can cling to life and cling to their voters, promising to help, and nothing comes from it.

Let’s get in the way-back machine. I was in the Marine Corps when Barack Hussein Obama was up for reelection in 2012. He was talking a lot about “reverse boot camp” for vets, you know, so we could get out and become productive members of society and not kill ourselves out of existential dread at a rate of 22/day. I’m still waiting for that reverse boot camp.
So anyway, a ship hits a bridge and Biden says the Federal Government is going to pay for it. With what? We’ve sent billions to Ukraine and now Israel, and who else knows what, and the Federal Government is going to pony up the cash to build a new bridge because a ship hit it? Why? And are they going to hire that feminist group out of Florida to build it? Because I think a lot of people will just take another route.
Raw footage of the Baltimore bridge collapse
— NUSS President (@NussPresident) March 26, 2024
Either way, having Biden come out, before there is an investigation before liability is determined, and all the other legal stuff is talked about, to slap the 9 Words on it like a late-night Billy Mays ad for Government Tape! just seems…odd. Like maybe Biden was driving the damned thing.
And where the hell is Secretary of Transportation Failures, Peter Bootyjuice, isn’t this under his purview? Isn’t this his department? It’s someone’s department. Biden coming out just seems like he’s grasping for reelection straws.