Apparently, Democrats and other beta male RINOs have a national suicide fetish. Nothing else can explain the perverted and treasonous desire to pass Senators Lankford and Schumer’s so-called “border deal” that does nothing to secure our borders and does everything to hand our country over to the globo-demonic criminal invaders. This bill is a clear plan of action for the UN-led destabilization effort of America.

Aside from the obvious national security issues that are completely unaddressed in this piece-of-shit legislation, the facts of the matter are that this deal is a pedophile’s wet dream. It incentivizes continued human trafficking by sending billions to shadowy, unvetted, non-governmental agencies as well as sanctuary cities that will provide shelter, transportation, and legal services to criminal invaders and human traffickers, as well as deliver “resources and travel” for unaccompanied alien children.
Additionally, the recursive mathematics that “limits” the number of illegals per day is loaded with loopholes that allow as many criminals as the Biden regime wants. Even during a so-called “emergency,” the bill also mandates the administration take in at least 1400 illegals per day. There’s also a presidential discretion clause that allows the president to reopen the border at any time he deems necessary and to temporarily suspend the border emergency authority.

The bill allows millions of illegals per year to cross the border unencumbered by our nation’s laws, and it even fortifies Homeland Security’s catch and release policies. That way, the military-aged males that are storming the border the same way Joe Biden storms the toilet can get straight to work on subverting, stealing, and destabilizing.
Automatic and indefinite work permits will be granted to hundreds of thousands of criminal invaders the second this bill is passed, showcasing yet another instance of America Last economic policy. It’s a double-barreled middle finger to all recent American high school and college graduates entering the professional workforce for the first time in their lives. I can’t think of a better way to say “welcome to adulthood!”
This kill bill doesn’t require any deportation and it doesn’t fund the wall, so actually, it does the opposite of securing the border.
The silence from the supposed Republicans in Congress who do not instantly and enthusiastically oppose this legislation is deafening. It’s the usual crew of RINOs and neocons like Romney (UT), Ernst (IA), McConnell (KY), Collins (ME), Ricketts and Fischer (both NE), Lankford (OK), and Graham (SC), but there are also some surprises in the mix like Kennedy (LA) and Scott (SC). If you’re reading this, give your guy/gal a call and let them know that if they don’t find their spine and vote “NO,” we’re going to primary their balls off.

The question is, why aren’t they immediately opposing this bill. Well, it’s because they don’t believe in anything. They have to play 4D chess to figure out if it’s more profitable for them politically and financially to support a supposed border security bill that does nothing for our own American border, but does everything for the Ukrainian border or to put America first and actually represent their constituents back home.

The corrupt campaign finance system in our country, combined with the Soviet-style, smoke and mirrors legislative tactics of the deep state, allows for totally unrelated matters to be bundled into a single bill. This prevents lawmakers from fully understanding the bill before voting, and even if they get a chance to vote on it, are forced to make massive concessions that they would never make on single-issue legislation. This is akin to a cash-strapped, alcoholic husband manipulating his wife to give him money for ‘groceries’ so that the baby can eat, only for him to spend $80 on beer and $8 on baby food.
No bill should have anything more than 1 issue. It’s not legislation; it’s intimidation.