To figure out what the problem is, or to analyze any given situation, what do you need? Knowledge… data and whatnot…truth. You need the truth of the situation. What you might call a “no bullshit assessment” of occurrences.
Well, America has a lot of problems right now. To figure out why we have these problems, we need some truth. The problem is, that America doesn’t deal in truth anymore. Hell, COVID showed us we don’t even deal in science anymore.
But that does tell us something. Even if it’s only the peripheral part. The people we’ve elected aren’t the people we’ve elected. “Politicians lie,” is a statement as old as…well, politics. We could get into the reasons politicians lie, but we all know why, money and power. We know how they lie, by using general statements and appealing to their target demographics’ wants and needs. We know all about it. The whither-to’s and why-for’s.

What if a politician came along and asked their potential future constituents what they want? Would you vote for that guy? A guy that would get up in front of a crowd and say, “I’m running for office, what do you want me to do?” Would that be enough of a platform to run on?
I ask because I’m tired of being sold a product. That is what politicians are, they are the engineered product of campaigns, donor puppet masters, and marketing slogans. We know what products are, they’re never what they’re advertised as and they rarely do what they’re supposed to do. Most of the time, they’re inundated with toxic materials that give you cancer and, because of the warning label (an implied label with politicians, because they lie), they’re not responsible for any adverse reactions one may have to the product.

It’s an election year, and like any other election year, it’s a big one. “If we don’t win, all our rights are going down the shitter,” is a normal saying during these years. Only this year, I truly feel it. But there’s a huge inherent problem: I don’t know who the good guy is anymore. Obviously, Trump is the major candidate, and he’s looking like he will win, I want him to win, he did a lot of good things in his first term. But what about after Trump?
Who is a candidate after Trump?
Are we going to get a guy who asks, what he can do for his country, instead of being told by an ad campaign what the guy wants to do for us, like some overbearing stepfather working 12-hour shifts to buy us cool toys, not for us, but to impress our moms? The things these people do aren’t for us, they’re for someone else, and really, they never get done anyway. It’s even worse that the aforementioned stepdad is the lay-bout piece of shit boyfriend that our mom has that says he’s going to go get us school clothes when he gets paid. That guy is a turd. But Mom keeps dating guys like him. Anyway, when are we getting the politician who asks us what we want?
“We need to have a conversation with our friends across the aisle,” is the usual tired prelude to any bi-partisan bill that either party is trying to push through Congress. And Congress is full of elected officials, politicians, people who are products, people who tell us what they will, can, or want to do. This is probably why there is such a divide on Capitol Hill; it’s a group of people who tell other people what they will do. They don’t ask, they tell.

If we can get more askers instead of tellers or pushers, we’d probably have a functional society and government. We’d have more cross-talk instead of inane shouting. We’d have less division. Fewer people pushing the politician-products of their ad campaigns, and more people asking what they can do to help.
Instead of the government charging in on Don Quixote’s donkey, haphazardly fucking things up and screeching, “i’M frOm tHE GoveRnmENt aNd I’m heRE To hElP,” we could get the Government to show up and ask, “How may we serve you?” Because that is what the Government is for, that’s why they get paid exorbitant salaries and have perks and what not. Imagine, a Senator with ties to companies and friends in high places working for us.
When are we going to get that guy?