North Korea has launched several short-range ballistic missiles early this morning, days after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un promised to “exponentially” increase his nation’s nuke arsenal to defend the country against “hostile” forces.
N. Korea fires short-range ballistic missiles toward the East Sea after another round of trash-carrying balloons#SouthKorea #NorthKorea #Balloon #Trash #Missile #Provocation #대한민국 #북한 #탄도미사일 #오물풍선 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스
— Arirang News (@arirangtvnews) September 12, 2024
South Korean military officials announced they detected multiple launches from Pyongyang, the North’s capital. The missiles flew about 220 miles and landed in the ocean between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

Japan confirmed that at least two missiles were detected. No damage was reported.
The launches were North Korea’s first display of weapons activities in more than 60 days. In early July, they touted the testing of a new warhead delivery system capable of carrying a 4.5-ton warhead.
— Twisted Eagle (@twisted_eagle) September 10, 2024
North Korea has sent more than 1,000 trash balloons to South Korea over five consecutive days,
Joint Chiefs of Staff on Sunday.
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North Korea continues to fly hundreds of large balloons carrying trash over South Korea.
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