According to Palestinian authorities, nine Palestinians were killed Wednesday as IDF forces conducted operations in Jenin and Tulkarm in the West Bank.
IDF spokesman: The security forces have now begun an operation to counter terrorism in Jenin and Tulkarm in the Menashe division.
— Breaking News (@TheNewsTrending) August 27, 2024
The Palestinians report a high presence of forces on land and in the air. This is a major operation!#Israel #WestBank #Hamas #IDF
Conducted with drones and helicopters, the operation was one of the largest in recent months in the West Bank. Israel continues its effort to hunt down and kill fighters from Palestinian militant factions.
Islamic Jihad and Fatah, both deemed as Hamas military groups, announced that their personnel were conducting offensive operations against IDF vehicles during the attack in the West Bank.
Palestinian health authorities announced that after the Israeli attack, IDF forces had established a cordon around Jenin’s main hospital to block Palestinian fighters from seeking refuge.
⭕️ Breaking: This is Jenin.
— Abdul Wahid (@AbdulWahid_X) August 28, 2024
⭕️ A large military incursion by Zionist terrorist forces into large areas of the West Bank including Jenin, Tulkarem & Nablus.
⭕️ The biggest operation since 2002, which fitting in with plans to displace the Palestinians of the West Bank & expand…

Five of the nine killed have been identified by Hamas as their own fighters.
International peace talks continue as Hamas and Israel accuse each other of stoking more violence.
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