In every era, certain individuals emerge who, through their reckless defiance, challenge the very foundation of governance and societal norms. These radicals take government opposition to the extreme. They show little respect for current institutions. This behavior, characterized by this blatant defiance of the government and their unwavering commitment to their cause, threatens to disrupt society.
These people are dangerous. They use vigilante justice to uphold their beliefs or ignore laws altogether. Their cause often undermines the rule of the law set forth by governing powers. If confronted, they are willing to use violence and have the means to destroy an opposing force. They are armed with military equivalent weaponry.
Their operations exist in the shadows. Their activities remain a mystery to most. They often speak about their intentions in whispered tones to avoid unwanted attention. They conspire against the government, promoting sedition and encouraging others to revolt. These acts are nothing short of treason.
They also engage in other illicit activities. Black market deals and smuggling activities are common among these groups, for the purpose of tax evasion. They simply defy taxation. They follow their own code, which is often in direct conflict with rules set by the government.
Despite all of their transgressions, these people are totally and completely steadfast in their beliefs. They are determined and completely unwavering in their stances and hell-bent on disrupting centralized power structures. They are willing to give their life, if necessary, for what they believe they are entitled to—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
As you may have gathered, this group is comprised of the American patriots responsible for the establishment of the United States of America and the fight against tyranny. These deplorable acts and beliefs created the bedrock for our nation. While our forefathers’ beliefs and actions are romanticized in lore, their behaviors would be heavily scrutinized and a cause for public outcry in today’s society. It seems we have forgotten where we came from.

There was a time when our values were not derived by watching YouTube. People were not afraid of standing up for what they believed in the face of public scrutiny. People wanted freedom, not a hope that the government would provide additional assistance or the answers to their problems. They desired the means to provide for themselves with means of protection and economic prosperity, not additional governmental intervention. They problem solved as opposed to approaching Uncle Sam with a hat in hand. When the government overstepped and pushed too hard, they pushed back. In return, they were awarded the life that they desired for themselves, as we simply ride their coattails.
As we begin to see history come full circle, political powers are once again becoming more centralized at the federal level, specifically the executive branch. This conflicts with the original notion that most of the power should be concentrated at the state level and driven by the popular vote. As society trends toward government reliance, we must not be afraid to challenge the status quo. Merely acknowledging these contradictions is not the same as a battle cry for revolution. The pen is mightier than the sword. Just as our forefathers stood strong in their beliefs, with the spirit of defiance against tyranny, modern patriots are called to remember their legacy.
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