Republican veterans in Congress signed an open letter to Democrat Vice presidential nominee, Tim Walz over stolen valor accusations on Wednesday.
50 military vets joined me in a letter to @Tim_Walz.
— Brian Mast (@BrianMastFL) August 21, 2024
Tim, you've lied your way through a political career on the foundation of a title you didn't earn & combat you didn't see. You failed the test of leadership once. America will not make that mistake again.#VeteransForTrump
50 GOP lawmakers condemn the Minnesota governor for claiming to be a retired Command Sergeant Major and having “carried weapons of war in war” even though he did not retire as a CSM, nor did he ever go to war.
Walz, a veteran of the Nebraska and Minnesota National Guard, has come under much scrutiny since he was picked to be Kamala Harris’s running mate just a few weeks ago.
50 Republican veterans are now calling on Tim Walz to come clean about his military service. @BrookeSingman breaks down their scathing letter.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 21, 2024
The letter requests that Walz “come clean to the American people”, accusing him of exaggerating his military service to score points with potential voters and pull independents away from the Republicans.

Senator JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, served as a Marine in Iraq during OIF and has been especially critical of Walz’s false service claims.
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